

Easter Prayer (부활절기도문)


Heavenly Father God, thank you for sending Your Son to earth so many years ago.

Thank You that, by dying on the cross He paid the punishment for our sins.

By raising Jesus Christ, You conquered the power of death and showed us the way to eternal life.

By the power of the resurrection, renew our lives and help us to become new creations.

Guide us through the dark times of our lives, and gives us courage to live for You.

하늘에 계신 하나님 아버지, 오래전 이 땅에 당신의 아들을 보내주셔서 감사합니다.

그가 십자가에서 죽으심으로 우리의 죄를 대신 갚게 하신 것 또한 감사드립니다.

아버지께서는 예수 그리스도를 부활시킴으로써 죽음의 권세를 깨뜨리셨고 우리를 위해

영생의 길을 열어 주셨습니다. 부활의 능력으로 우리의 삶을 새롭게 하시고 새로운 피조물이

되게 하여 주시옵소서. 삶의 어두운 시기마다 우리를 인도하여 주시고 아버지를 위해

살아갈 수 있는 용기를 주시옵소서.


Prayers for Easter Sunday ( 부활절 주일 예배 )


Christ our Lord, who in his love for us died for us that we might live,

we pray for all people in all places and in all kinds of need. Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed, alleluia!


Lord our Father, we pray for all people who make up the church, both leaders and congregations.

We pray for unity among all people of faith throughout the world

that they may respect one another and celebrate what they have in common. Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed, alleluia!


Risen Lord, we pray for people who are suffering as a result of all kinds of disaster,

whose lives have been torn apart by the earthquake,

and who have lost relatives, friends, their homes, their town and their livelihoods.

May the risen Christ lead them from despair into hope. Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed, alleluia!


Lord of love, we pray for all who suffer in mind or body and for those who care for them.

We pray for the sick; for those who mourn; for those without faith, hope or love.

We pray for any known to us who are in special need of our prayers at this time, especially those known personally to us.

We remember them now in a moment of silence . Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed, alleluia!


The risen Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench.

We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ,

which eternally shines and brings hope.

We remember You turn our darkness into light: in your light shall we see light.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.



주일 영어 예배 기도문 ( Sunday worship prayers in English 2 )


Offering Prayer (헌금기도문)

Heavenly Father, we live in a world of obligations. Everything has a price.

Because of this we find it hard to understand Your grace.

You have given Your grace to us freely, with no strings attached.

Accept these offerings as a graec-filled response to Your free gift of new life in Christ.

We thank You for this opportunity to give to You.

We also thank You for those who have an offering to give today as well as those who

have a desire to give, but are unable to at the moment.

We pray for Your blessing on each of us.

Offering Prayer (헌금기도문)

Father, we tend to hold on too tightly to our possessions.

Forgive us. The harder we hold on, the more difficult it is to step out in faith and

to be drawn nearer to Your Kingdom.

We belong to You and everything on earth, including these offerings, belong to You.

Help us to do Your will by becoming true caretakers of Your trust.

May our lives reflect Your glory. May our hearts be filled with faith.

Thank you for what You have given today and for what You have promised to provide tomorrow.


Prayer for Holy week (주일예배기도문)

Lord Jesus You died on the cross, suffering pain and humiliation, for my sins.

I cannot describe how great Your love and grace are.

Thank You for Your unending love.

Lord, cleanse me with the blood You shed on the cross, and help me to participate in

Your suffering, so that I can be Your true disciple.

Help me to deny myself and take up my cross and follow You.

Grant me strength in my faith, so that I can joyfully and thankfully suffer for You,

and help me to be reborn by the power of these cross.


Easter Prayer (부활절기도문)

Heavenly Father God, thank you for sending Your Son to earth so many years ago.

Thank You that, by dying on the cross He paid the punishment for our sins.

By raising Jesus Christ, You conquered the power of death and showed us the way to eternal life.

By the power of the resurrection, renew our lives and help us to become new creations.

Guide us through the dark times of our lives, and gives us courage to live for You.


Thanks giving Day Prayer (감사절 기도문)

Heavenly Father, You are the beginning and the end of all things, and we give You honor and glory.

We offer You our deepest thanks for all You have done for us.

You have always watached over us, protected us from the evil spirits, and poured

blessing and blessing on our lives.

Let us always approach our Heavenly Father with true thankfulness, not just today, but every day,

not only in our triumphs, but also in our trials.

Help us to remain in You so that we may have a fruitful life.

Today we praise You with a promise to follow You all of our days.

We are praying in the name of Jesus, Amen.

블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.
