March 2023 Sunday service sermon
The message God always does what is best. 
The Scripture reading Revelation 15:3.
How great and Wonderful are Your deeds! 

Lord God Almighty, 
how great and Wonderful are Your deeds! 

We know that God is very great. God is Almighty. 
There is nothing that God cannot do. 

All things are in his hand. Sometimes people say, 
If God is very great, why does God let me be sick or sad?
Why do troubles come? 

My friends, even when we are sick or sad, 
or when troubles come, 
we must believe that God loves us. 
even when troubles come.

We can know that God loves us. 
God does what is best for us. 
God knows what is good for us. 
God knows all things. 

The Bible tells us about a poor woman, 
a poor mother in Egypt. 
They had to throw her baby into the River Nile. 

The wicked king Pharaoh made a law 
that all the baby boys of the Israelites 
had to be thrown into the river.

The mother loved her baby boy very much. 
She did not want to throw him into the river. 

That was a terrible thing to do. 
But she did not dare to give. Is 
why had gone to make such a law. 

One day baby's mother made a little basket. 
She worked the little basket from reeds very carefully 
so that it was like a little boat.

She made sure that it would not leak. 
She laid her baby in the basket and brought him to the river. 

Miriam, the baby's sister, went along. 
The mother set the basket among the reeds, 
so that it would not float away.

 When the princess then came down to the river to bathe, 
she saw the basket. The princess sent one of her maids to get it.

The maid brought the basket to the princess. 
And when she opened the basket there, 
she saw this beautiful baby boy. 
The baby began to cry. 

The princess felt sorry for the baby. 
The princess did not throw the baby into the river. Instead, 

the princess sent Miriam to get somebody to take care of the baby. 
Miriam ran to get the baby's own mother, 
of course, who could take better care of the baby.

how happy the mother was. 
Her baby was not drowned, 
and now she would not have to throw 
her baby into the river because 
the prince has said that she could keep him for a while. 

The princess gave the baby his name, 
Moses. When most grew up, 
the princes said Moses would be her son. 
He had to live in the palace.

He learned all the wisdom of Egypt. 
He was not a slave like his brothers. 
He became a great and wise man. 
Then God called Moses. 

God used Moses to bring the Israelites his people out of Egypt. 
Moses could be a great leader of God's people 
because he had gone to school in Egypt 
where he had become a wise man.

So all the poor woman's troubles, 
the poor mother's troubles turned out for the best, 
the best for her, the best for the baby, 
the best for God's people, too. 

God always does what is best remembered. 
God always does what is best. 
God sometimes does things today 
that makes us afraid or sad or anxious.
Sometimes God lets wicked people do terrible things, 
but these things are always for the best, for God's own people.

We must believe that God always does what is best. 
We must trust God. The words of God 
when they come into your heart will change your life. 

God's Word will not only change your personal life, 
but also your home, your business, and anything else 
which needs changing. 

God wants you to be prosperous and successful. 
God wants you to have a successful life.

God wants you to have a successful relationship. 
God wants you to have property and prosperity in your work. 
God wants you to be saved from sin and death 
because the wages of sin is death. 

We cannot save ourselves from our sins 
through our own efforts. 
There is no other way for salvation in the world. 
But Jesus Christ and His cross.

Jesus died on the cross. 
Since we could be saved from our sins through Jesus Christ. 
If you confess that Jesus is a Lord, 
you will be saved. God gives eternal life to all who believe in Jesus. 

God will change your life. 
God can change your environment. 
God will give you victory. 
God always does what is best.

Let us pray together. 
God is calling us.

 Let's pray. Dear father in heaven 
help us to believe that 
God is always good 
and that God does what is always best.

Help us to trust God and to be happy in you. 
Even when troubles come. 
Lord, help us to see first the kingdom 
and its righteousness. 

Father, give me the grace and strength 
to be obedient to you. 
To the end. I depend on you, 
my Lord. I commit everything to you. 
We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.


영어 기도 - I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ,



1)은혜로운 예수님, 저를 항상 지켜주셔서 감사합니다.

   Merciful Jesus, thank you for protecting me always.

제가항상 공부를 할수있게 도와주시고 열심히 할수있게 도와주셔서 감사합니다.

Thank you for helping me study hard, always.

그리고 저를 더 열심히 할수있게 도와주세요

And help me study harder.

예수님의 이름으로 기도드렸습니다. 아멘

 I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


2)영예로운 예수님,저희 가족을 지켜주셔서 감사합니다.

  Glorious Jesus, thank you for protecting my family.

항상 화목하고 즐겁고 평화로운 저희집을 만들어 주셔서 감사합니다.

Thank you for making my family always be in harmony, delight and peace.

저희가족이 더 이해하고 서로를 믿게 해주세요

May my family members understand more and trust together.

저희 가족이 어려움이 닥칠때마다 도와주셔서 감사합니다.

Thank you for helping my family whenever we are faced with difficulties.

예수님의 이름으로 기도드렸습니다.아멘

 I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


3)이세상을 만드신 예수님,제가 빨리 마음의 안정을 찾을수 있게도와주세요.

  Creator of this world, Jesus. Help my mimd be restored to stability.

제자신을 제가 사랑할수있게 도와주세요

Help me love myself.

스스로 행복해질수 있도록 도와주세요

Help me be happy by myself.

예수님 이세상을 만들어주신것만으로도 감사드립니다.

Jesus, thank you for making this world , though you created all other things.

예수님의 이름으로 기도드렸습니다. 아멘

I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


4)존경하는 예수님,오늘도 편히 잠들게 해주세요, 아무런 사고 없이 아무런 문제없이.

Respectful Jesus, help me sleep comfortable tonight without any accidents and problems.

오늘도내일도 이 세상사람들이 나쁜일을 하지않고 착하게 살기를 기도해주세요

Pray for the persons in this world living not to do bad things  and living good today and tomorrow.

오늘도 부디 편히 주무시옵소서.

May you sleep comfortable tonight.

예수님의 이름으로 기도 드렸습니다. 아멘

I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.



블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.


[영어설교 / English Sermon] The power of God's Word  





The power of God's Word


Dear Father,

Please cover me with your Holy Spirit so that only your word may be proclaimed. Open our hearts so that we may hear your living word and receive your grace.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen

There was an alcoholic who was living a miserable life. One day somebody gave a Bible to his wife who converted to a Christian while reading the Bible where she found the comforts and treated the Bible as her jewel. However, her husband was laughing at his wife's newly found faith in God.

One day, this drunken husband came home and got hold of his wife's Bible and threw in the fire place and said 'Lets see what happen to the Bible.'

Following day, while he was cleaning out the fire place he noticed the some piece of Bible which has escaped the fire. That happens to be the part of Matthew chapter

24, verse 35 which said "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." He was so surprised to find himself  how this verse stuck in his mind.

This is how the will of God works. This husband felt the deep guilt on his behavior and started to walk toward the path to the spiritual salvation.

Like this story, God's Words have been  living and active in the past, present and future. The Words of God forced a person who threw Bible to the fire and laugh at

his wife's faith in God to put his knees to the ground and lead him to the repentance and salvation.

Hebrews 4:12

 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts

and attitudes of the heart.

I pray and hope that the Word of God we receive today inspire your spirit, soul and body to lead you towards the road to eternal life.

John 1:1

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.

What is the meaning of Word?.

Who's Word is it?.

The Word is from Jesus Christ who was there at the beginning of the universe and He was there with God and Jesus is God.

And Jesus who is God himself descended to this world with the image of a human being. The Word transformed to the physical being and showed us the glory of God who is the truth and full of grace.

Nobody saw God, however He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to show us the spirit of  God and gave us the privilege to become God's children whoever believes in His name and honor Him. Hallelujah!.

John 1:12,14,18

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

No one ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

I believe everybody gathered here to worship God deserves to be the image of God as He intended in the beginning of His creation by believing in Jesus and follow His way and His spirit.

Then, let us share our thoughts about the relationship between Christian and God's Words.

First, Christians want to be able to bear the beautiful fruits.

Matthew 7:19

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.


By the grace of Christ our sins are forgiven and our lives are saved. However, we are living in weak and sinful flesh. We can not overcome our physical weakness by ourselves. Satan is a fallen angel who puts himself against everything that God stands for.

Satan also has his own spiritual power.

Only way to escape from the spiritual temptation of Satan is to have the full faith in Jesus who was victorious over the power of Satan, resurrected and ascended to the heaven and sit on the heavenly throne.

Although our weak flesh is the easy target for Satan, all Christians who believe in Jesus Christ will have the protection of Holy spirit which will push out Satan's evil

power and temptation and lead us to the eternal life. This is how we be able to bear the beautiful fruits with the help from the Holy God. The ability to bear beautiful fruits come from ' God's Words'.

In the name of God I pray and hope that everybody here , through the Words of God and by Holy spirit, will live the life of bearing beautiful fruits.

Luke 8:11

This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the Word of God.

1 Peter 1:23

For you have been born gain, not of perishable seed but of imperishable seed, through the living and enduring Word of God.


My dear brethren and sisters!.

We are here by the grace of God. By God's grace we believe Jesus is our Savior and we treasure His Words and desire to live by His Words.

We thank and praise God whose astounding love towards us for Him to sent His only Son to death to save us. God's overwhelming love and grace lead us to gather here to praise and worship Him.

Second, we Christians want to overcome all those filthy thoughts and selfish and conceited behavior.

How can we eliminate those intermittent filthy thoughts from our mind?.

How can we free from the debilitating anger, accusation, lust and all kinds of addictions?.

How can we clear out those undesirable thoughts from our mind?.

How can we free from all those anxiety, fear, all sorts of sadness and other innumerable unclean thoughts which depress us and walking all over us?.

Jeremiah 23:29

 "Is not my word like fire," declares the Lord, "and like hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?.

As the Scripture said the God's Words will remain deeply in our minds and help us to overcome all those filthy thoughts in our minds which are keeping us suffer.

And God's Words will bring us the freedom, peace and happiness by help us to defeat and overcome the endless suffering from the deep sorrows, sinful thoughts, anger, all kinds of addictions due to the weak mind and the life of slave to sins.

God is omnipotent and almighty. His living Words with Holy spirit will free us from the control of Satan and evil spirit.

Let us ask for the God's grace and His Holy Spirit.

Only God can give us the true freedom.

Only our strong faith to Jesus Christ will lead us to the path to the eternal life.

Hebrews 4:12

For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Psalm 19:7

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

God's word is alive and well and active. He will restore our weak and empty spirit. He will save us from the oppression and control. He will heal us from the pain and sufferings. He will help us to escape from the sorrows and dark world. Hallelujah!!.

Let us praise our living God.

Let us praise our Lord who protects and helps us from all those adversities. Let us praise our Lord who allows us to have the eternal life of living.

Let us praise Him altogether now. We praise God who saves us and allows us to have the new life.

Dear Lord!!. Please uphold us with your strong arms. Please helps us to free from the dark and grieving soul which makes us to suffer. Help us to soar over the storm with You and enjoy the peace You allowed us to have.

Lead us to love You no matter what pain and suffering we are under.  Please have Your love cover us from all those adversities.



hide me now

under Your wings.

Cover me

Within Your mighty hand.


When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with You above the storm.

Father You are king over the flood

I will be still, know You are God.

Find rest my soul

In Christ alone

know His power

in quietness and trust

When the ocean rise and thunder roar

I will soar with You above the storm

Father You are king over the flood

I will be still, know You are God (x2)

Find rest my soul

In Christ alone

know His power

in quietness and trust


When the ocean rise and thunder roar

I will soar with You above the storm

Father You are king over the flood

I will be still, know You are God (2x)


Let us pray.

Heavenly Father,

We praise God who saved us and allowed us to have an new life. Please hold us with Your strong arms. Please protect us from the oppressive sorrows and darkness. Please allow us to enjoy the God given peace while soaring above the storm with You.

Please lead us to love You under however the painful adversity we are in, and have Your love cover all those things.


We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.


[영어 예배 / English Sermon ]  A New Creation




A New Creation

There was a funeral at a church in Chicago for a three year old girl who starved to death. An alcoholic dressed in dirty clothes came to the little girl's funeral. He took the little girl's shoes off her feet while everyone was praying and sold them to get drunk. The man who stole the shoes was the girl's father.

20 years later, a man stood and spoke in front of thousands of people at Chicago First Presbyterian Church.


"The father who stole his little girl's shoes at her funeral was me! It was God who saved this worthless, filthy man and gave a new life to become his disciple."

It was Mel Trotter, an evangelist of Chicago.


God restores those that seem worthless and useless to men and leads them to live a new life. God leads them to a new path where a dead soul comes to life again and lives a life for God's glory. 

2 (Second) Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


"A new creation" has come!

What does it mean to be "in Christ"?

It means to be in God's Kingdom. Since Adam disobeyed God and let sin into our lives, we have fallen from God and have been wandering in a world ruled by Satan.

But by the love of God, when a person believes that Jesus Christ has died on the cross and resurrected, he or she begins to live in God's Kingdom where God is in control.


Colossians 1: 13-14

"For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."


 Now, let's take a closer look at the differences between the old creation and new creation.


Who is an old creation?

1) An old creation is a man who is spiritually dead.

If you are spiritually dead, you cannot know God's existence. Your heart is filled with worldly things.

2) An old creation is a man who follows the world of Satan.

He or she seeks Satan's temptations that provide instant pleasures.

3) An old creation is a man who follows the desires of flesh.

He or she hates God and engages in injustice, abomination, greed, arrogance, boast, envy, murder, argument, drunkenness, debauchery, and lust.


Ephesians Chapter 2 Verse 1

"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins"

First Peter Chapter 1, Verse 24:

"...All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall,"


Who is a new creation?

1) A new creation is who is born again through faith in Jesus Christ.

It is he who believes that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior and therefore belongs to Jesus Christ.

It's a life that is no longer ruled by Satan, but a life that follows God's Word and walks with Christ.

2) A new creation is who lives in Christ.

Before, he was a slave of the world ruled by Satan, but now lives in God's Kingdom under God's rules.

3) A new creation lives life that is led by the Holy Spirit.

It is he who bears fruit of the Holy Spirit in his life. He lives in the light of Jesus and lives in gentleness and humility.


 First John Chapter 2, Verses Fifteen through seventeen.

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever."


Galatians Chapter Five, Verse Sixteen.

"So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."

Now, how can we become new creation in Jesus Christ?

Ephesians Chapter Four, Verses 22 through 24:

"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

 God tells us "to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires".

People who live in their weak flesh are easy to fall into Satan's temptations and chase after instant pleasures of this world. It's a life that is ruled by the desires of flesh.

The desires of flesh go against the Holy Spirit, and the desires of the Holy Spirit go against the flesh.

When we are tempted by the worldy things and in the midst of sins from earthly desires, our spirit is dead and therefore we cannot know God or see God. But, when we live in Jesus Christ who saved us and follow the Holy Spirit, we are freed from Satan and this world.


We no longer live as slaves of our flesh.

We no longer live as slaves of Satan.

We no longer are consumed by worldly pleasures.

We no longer live as slaves of fear, worries, darkness, sadness, and sins.

We put on the new self, in God's likeness, and live a life of peace given by God.

We live an eternal life of Heaven where we live and praise God forever.

All of this is the work of the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Father blots out our transgressions.

Isaiah Chapter 43, verse 25:

"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."

The Son, Jesus Christ, cleanses us with his blood.


Hebrews Chapter 9, verse 14:

"How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!"

The Holy Spirit makes us holy.

 Second Thessalonians Chapter 2, verse 13:

"But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as first fruits to be saved thorugh the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth."

We, who are gathered here to worship and praise God, are those who are in God's grace.

God will give us bigger faith, to those that come out to worship God by God's grace. God will give us the strength to fight off Satan's temptations.

God will take away all of our darkness and sadness.

God will give us victory in our daily lives as we live as His children.


Let us pray.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for giving us Your Living Word today.

Touch each and every one of us with your Holy Spirit and open our hearts.

We no longer want to live as slaves of this world, as slaves of Satan.

Holy Spirit,

Fill our hearts.

Help us to live in your guidance.

We prayed all this in Jesus's name, Amen.



블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.


[영어예배설교 / English Sermon ] take up their cross and follow me 



Dear Father,

Please cover me with your Holy Spirit so that only your word may be proclaimed.

Open our hearts so that we may hear your living word and receive your grace.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen


John 11;25-26

Jesus said to her, " I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believe in me will live, even though they die, and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.

Do you believe this?."


there was a fisher man named Peter in Scandinavia. One day he went to fish with his beloved son. There were unexpected storm in that day. Peter's fishing boat was drifting like a leaf. Peter fought against big wave and strong wind for hours in the pitch dark night only to lose his sense of direction and energy and which led him to desparate situation. Then, he noticed a very bright pillar of fire in far away direction, which means the land is nearby. So Peter paddled his boat in that direction with all his strength.

Unexpectedly the place Peter reached was the village where he lived. Peter's wife was all tears when she met her husband and her son. Her cry had different reason than what Peter expected.

  "Honey, because of my fault the whole house got burned down and all the household furnitures are  lost. What shall I do now?."

That pillar of fire was from his burning house. Peter embraced his wife and told her in happy face and said .

  "Honey thank you. The fire you caused saved me and our son. Without that pillar of fire we both probably would have perished. Thank you for burning our house."

It is a true story. There is a very important message in it.

During our life time, some days we enjoy warm and brilliant sun shines but other days we have to go through the long miserable dark tunnels. Sometimes you enjoy beautiful wide open ocean from the cool shore of the ocean's edge, but, other times you encounter unexpected strong storm on pitch dark night at the sea and you become disoriented and exhausted from struggling against them and drifting like a piece of drift wood in the middle of ocean.

  To believe in Jesus who has resurrected from the death means you go forward straight to the life of light just like in the story I have described.

A Christian who believes in Jesus who overcame the death is blessed with the power from God to overcome any miseries and hardships while living in this temporary world because those who believe that Jesus Christ is his savior is blessed with eternal life with Jesus. All children of God who hope to be in heaven never despair with any hardship no matter how hard it is and believes that he will overcome them all. Hallelujah!!!.


John 12:24

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.


Jesus has died as one single seed of wheat. His death has produced countless fruits and it still doing it. When we die with Jesus we will live as His disciples.

To die with Christ means we have nailed our physical desires and sinful minds on the cross.

Through Christ who lives within us, we are able to bear fruits of the Holy Spirit and bring life to the dying souls. 


John 12:25

Anyone who loves their life will loose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.


 We all are self-loving people. We fight for our self interest and worldly fame and power with tooth and nail. To achieve our goals we sometimes cheat and harm other people.

Bible said, anyone who is busy living a life of worldly physical desires, that is, who loves nothing but his worldly life will lose his life and wander in the darkness of death.

However, God tells us that He will give eternal life to whoever hates the earthly life or the worldly things and instead loves and cares for his neighbors and follows the footsteps of Christ.


Matthew 16:24

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."


Jesus is saying that unless you deny yourself to get rid of  worldly desires, possessions and indulge in the worldly luxury, you can not follow the way of Jesus.


John 10:27

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.


The followers of Jesus will recognize His voice. Jesus Christ makes you His children as long as you believe that Jesus took all your dirty sins upon Himself and died

on the cross for you and resurrected from death.

Holy spirit is in the children of God and he opens their spiritual minds to listen to God’s words so they can be connect with God.

Those who are rewarded with the Holy spirit will be led by the Holy spirit and never be tempted by the worldly possession and lust.

They will live the life of self denial and carry his own cross to follow the way of Jesus. God's almighty power will never allow anybody to take away His children from Father God. Hallelujah!!.


John 14:21

Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.


Jesus declared that only who keeps His commands are the one who loves Him.

How is the life of person who keeps his commands?.

It is the life that faithfully and obediently follows His commands.

Jesus said whoever loves me will also be loved by my Father too. Anybody who loves Jesus will be obedient to His words and be loved by His Father.

It means we will be like Jesus.

God is the love and the light.


All who is loved and lives in the light of God will no more be controlled by the darkness and sorrows. God's light will get rid of all those dark and oppressive miseries which so far controlled us. God's love will cure and restore the deep mental anguishes and undesirable pains we have been suffering. Hallelujah!!.

I praise the God who has saved us from all the pain and misery.

I praise the God who has led us to His light and comforted us and promised the peace.

I love Father God and His Son Jesus and The Holy Spirit who has  saved us and allow us to have an eternal life.


John 24:26

But the advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything  I have said to you.


My dear brothers and sisters!

Ask for the Holy Spirit! Ask for His grace!.

When we are in the full of grace, our spiritual eyes will be opened wide and bright as if a blind man has gained the sight.

Through His words we will meet our God and hear His voice. We will experience the love of our living God when we praise and exalt Him.

We will achieve the direct communication and conversation with spiritual God  when pray for the righteousness in heaven.


1 Corinthians 2:14

The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.


Who are the people that are of this worlds?

Those are the person who is busy looking for the short lived pleasures and gratifications. Satan is very jealous and hate people who is close and intimate with God. Satan tempts  us to fall into the world of temporary pleasure and gratification with sweet and delicious things.

People who fall into such temptations and are consumed by worldly things are those that are "of this world".

The person who is blinded by the worldly things tends to despair and rejects 'Spiritual things'.

Also, they don't understand them.

One cannot follow the spiritual way if one is slave to the worldly things. The Holy Spirit will be revealed to us when we denounce the bodily sins and gratification and follow Jesus Christ carrying our own cross, then we will enjoy and live the eternal life as the children of God who

is the light and the love.


John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.


God promised us peace to us which is unlike of anything from this world when we follow Jesus Christ carrying our own cross and lead the life which is Jesus like.

God said 'Do not let your heart be troubled and do  not afraid.'

When we are enjoying the peace given to us through the God's grace, all those anxiety, worry and uneasiness  which were relentlessly tormented us will  leave us alone. All those power of darkness which has been harassing and made us miserable will be finally  gone for good.

I believe all of you who are gathered here to worship God will enjoy the God given peace and praise God everyday of your life,

I also believe you will meditate on God's words and will follow His way. And to achieve this goal you will pray all the time and conquer the Satan's temptation.


Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the words of  precious life. Please embrace us with Your grace and Holy Spirit, and lead us to meditate on your words and pray to You all the time. Please lead us to praise Father God who saved us.

We pray in the name of our savior Jesus Christ. Amen.



블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.


[영어설교/ English Sermon ] Live as children of light 



Dear Father,

Please cover me with your Holy spirit so that only your word may be proclaimed.

open our hearts so that we may hear your living words and receive your grace.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


 1 John 4:8

Whoever does not love does not know God,

because God is love.


What is the greatest and deepest love?.

It is the love of God.


I have been living for last 40 years looking for only the worldly sinful desires.

The result of that living was like a dead man who has no spiritual life. Suddenly I have realized that I was a sinner at the presence of God.

I have been disobedient to God's teachings and led the life of my own way filled with my physical desires and temptations.

So, I fell on my knees and confessed all my sins and prayed for the forgiveness with tears dripping. God warmly embraced my full of sinful soul and comforted me without punishment and told me,


"My beloved son, how much have you suffered with pain by forsaking me and led the life of worldly sins?.

I am so grateful now that you came to me.

Put down all those sinful heavy lord and I will give you a comfortable resting place for you to rest." 



I praise God who accepted us with love and lead us to the life of light.


Mathew 11:28

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.


We are carrying very heavy burden of life.

Why those burden of worldly life is so tiring and dark and make us sorrowful?.


Why are we living the life of committing endless sins of hatred, madness and violence?. Sometime we experience both mental and physical breakdown due to the burden of sinful, dark, and sorrowful wounds suffered while we were living in the past.


All of you who gathered hear today to worship our Lord has been chosen by God and you are both priceless and very worthy people.

God is with us at this very moment and talking to us.

 "All of you who is carrying heavy burden and working hard, come to me and I will give you a resting place".


Anybody who believes that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins and resurrected after three days from the dead and receive Him as our Savior are no longer the children of Satan and don't have to be the slave of the darkness.


The sadness won't rule our lives and we are no longer slave to the rules of the world and physical desires because we are the children of God's love and children of God's  light.


Romans 8:5-6

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the spirit have their minds set on what the spirit desires.

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace.


Whoever believes that Jesus Christ is his savior is the one who is born again. Whoever born again through the spirit of God will have peace and life.

Slave to the physical desire is death.


John 8:12

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."


God is the light.

God said He is the 'light of the world. Anybody who follows me will never walk in darkness and will gain the light of life".


My beloved brethren, I hope you will have full of God's light of life.

I pray in the name of Jesus that none of you will have the darkness of life.  Hallelujah !!!!!


Let us lift up our thanks, praises, and honor to our God who saved us from the darkness and death and who leads us to the path of light and new life.


Isaiah 60:20

Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.


God said the Sun will never set, Moon will never wane as long as you believe in God.

Because the light of God  is within us and He is leading us to His light.


We are always in Jesus' light and walking in His light. God also said our days of sorrow will end because the sorrows dwell in the darkness.

We are the children of the light and the darkness will never control us.


Ephesians 5:8

For you were once darkness, but now you are light of the Lord. Live as children of light.


God's light within us will overcome our deep and dark sorrow. The darkness no longer control us and it will be disappear from us.  Hallelujah !!!!


Malachi 4:2

But for you who revere my name, the Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.

And you will go out and frolic like well fed calves.


The righteousness will rise to who praise God. This ray of righteousness has healing power and it will brighten those who praise God and heal his darkness, pain and harms and run around like those well fed calves out of stable.


I believe that God's healing power is upon us who are gathered here to praise Him and that we will all be healed and restored. Hallelujah !!!


At this very moment, we firmly believe that the ray of Jesus' healing power will completely wipe out all our pains, harms and all sorts of deceases from us and also believe that the rays of Jesus' healing light will free us from the darkness which has been troubling us for long time.


Let us pray in loud voice.

O, God our Father,

O, holy Father,

Please reside within our painful heart.

Please direct your ray of healing toward us.

Please heal our deceases and restore our health and keep us pray all the time.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen


Let us sing ' How great thou art'.

Let us sing from our heart to God who gave us the life and lead us to salvation.


O Lord my God! when I in awesome wonder

Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made,

I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,

Thy power throughout the universe displayed:


Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:

How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

Then sings my soul! my Savior God, to Thee:

How great Thou art, how great Thou art!


When through the woods and forest glades I wander

And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;

When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur

And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze:


Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:

How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

Then sings my soul! my Savior God, to Thee:

How great Thou art, how great Thou art!


And when I think that God, His Son not sparing,

Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;

That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing,

He bled and died to take away my sin:


Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:

How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

Then sings my soul! my Savior God, to Thee:

How great Thou art, how great Thou art!


When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation

And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!

Then I shall bow in humble adoration,

And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!


Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:

How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

Then sings my soul! my Savior God, to Thee:

how great Thou art , how great Thou art!


Let us pray.

Our Father we thank you who loves us so much to allow us to hear about the life you gave us.

Please lead us the life of righteous people who praise God every day.

Please cover us with your love and light whenever we gather to praise and glorify you.

Please heal us from all those darkness, pains and harms.

Please hear our pray for you to heal us with your light. Please make us to believe that you have healed and restored our health and let us to live within your light.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.


블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.


[영어설교 / english preacher ] God loves you



God loves you.
I praise and thank God who led us together here for this service. I believe through this holy service God will bless us with comfort, hope, deeper faith and most of all, His love upon us.


 John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


God's love toward us is boundless and there is no regard whether you are sinner or righteous. His love covers everybody whether one is rich or poor, hopeless, full of both physical and spiritual pain, in short, whatever the living situation you are in.


To save these people, God sent his Son to this wicked world. God is merciful toward these people who are spiritually dead and under the influence of worldly temptation. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God said anybody who believes in Jesus will get eternal life.  What God mean by "you believe in Jesus?"

God created Adam in His image in every sense of the goodness, and Adam committed the crime which is punishable by death by betrayed God's wishes.

All human beings following Adam, whether likes or not, born with this guilt and corrupted with jealousy with envy, hatefulness and selfishness, which eventually bear the fruit of guilt and led us to mutual destruction and hopelessness. In the beginning, however, God had no intention of creating the guilty human.


Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them: male and female He created them.


God created human in His image and His image is love. Jesus came to this world to redeem our sin by His blood on the Cross and death. This shows how great the God's love is.

Is Jesus's death on the cross just for those people who lives by the righteous rules like hard work, helpfulness and selfless people?. Are those people really pure and guiltless?.

We are all born with the sin committed by Adam and we could not be like God even though we are born with God's image.


Jesus came to this world to save us from the world without spiritual being and full of sins. Jesus took over all our sins and died on the cross to give us the eternal life and defeated the death by resurrected after third day and ascended to the heaven to sit right side of His Father. Hallelujah!!!

This is what we are believe in that Jesus died for our sins and resurrected from the death, and by the merciful grace of God we are all cleared of the sins.


Philippians 2:5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.


God loves you just the way everyone is. However, God wants whoever believes Him to come out of the world of sin and come to Him. Jesus came to this world clearly to show how the people who has God's image should behave.

The people who save through the faith should neither follow the way of this world nor follow the physical desire. God wants you to be like Jesus and make God happy and glorify His original intention of making us in His images in the first place.

But then, what we should do to be like Jesus?.


Matthew 11:28  

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.


It happened at some lording dock in U.S.. One day a passenger ship arrived and while the passengers were leaving the ship one woman tripped her feet and fell out of the ship. At that instance people started shouting and asked ship crew to do save her. All the ship crews were doing was just stand there watching a drowning woman while she was surfaced twice above water. When this woman was completely exhausted then one crew dived into the water to bring out limp woman. Then some people started to question why the crew waited so long to save her. A crew replied with the sigh of relief.  "Don't be ignorant. When a person who is drowning will tried save himself with all the power person has and no stronger person would overcome that and drown together at the end."


When you rid of everything you possess and take everything to God, who becomes the Lord of yourself and led you into the life of light.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come The old has gone, the new is here!


When you died with Jesus on the Cross and resurrect with Him you will gain the new life, that is, you became new creature.


Colossians 2:12

Having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through your faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.


Faith in God is ultimate gift to you from Him. By the grace of God you have been gained the faith and allowed to walk the God's way with Him and becomes like Him and lead your life as a man who has been blessed to have the image of God.

It is a very big burden for us to live as a worldly being. Some of us are born into this world under very unfortunate circumstances. Some came from the country with very unfavorable conditions, or from a broken family with unbearable burden and hard life. The burden which we have no control over.

Some of those burdens are from uncontrollable physical desire, alcohol, drugs, gamble, pornography, something that is easily addictive, or unwanted physical ailment or mental decease, bad family and or friendly relationship. Nobody can free from all those worldly sins.

Jesus said anyone who is carrying all those burdens and struggling with them to come to Him and unload to Him. Bring every burdens, in other words, everything that you have to deal with your own mind and will power to Jesus.

When you do that Jesus will becomes our Lord and He will lead us to the realm of the life of light, love, peace and will blessed with the eternal life. Hallelujah!!!!.

It is such an overwhelming and enormous blessing when we embrace Jesus Christ as our savior and fallow His step and walk along with Him.

Whatever the situation we are in, Jesus is fair to everybody whether he is rich, poor, healthy or not, incarcerated in prison, addicted with drugs, leading a privileged life, etc.....

Jesus forgive all sins when you confess your sins and ask for the forgiveness and believe in the Cross and accept Him as your savior.

God has forgiven all our sins. We are blessed with the grace and peace from Him and leading a heavenly living regardless of what sorts of situations we in right now and  after the death we are promised with heaven where there are no pain from the mental problem and praise our Lord, who is with us there, forever and ever. Hallelujah!!!!!!.


Dear beloved brethren,

Everybody in here is specially loved by God who would like to bless all of you with eternal love. However, if you fail to respond to His special blessing God is unable to work with you. Please don't reject God's love. Believe in the fact that Jesus died on the Cross to take out our sins and resurrected after three days from the death.

Please accept Jesus as our savior and ask for the holy sprit within us. Take everything to God and follow His way, then God will comfort and sooth all our pains from the affliction.

No matter how long you have been suffered, God will root out all those sufferings from you and give you comfort and peace within you and rejuvenate you to the new creature.

And God would like to work with new creatures to save and raise the dead souls who are unaware of God's love.


Anybody who has not yet accepted Jesus as his savior or who is not sure of himself but would like to find out more, please remain here after service or come to Thursday service and have a prayer session together.

we should firmly believe that we will be in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ even if today is the last day of the earth.


Let us pray,

Heavenly Father we thank you for us to hear about heavenly life. Please protect us from the influence from Satan who is trying to stop us from learning about the way to the God. Please sooth our pain from the affliction and heal our wounds. Please let us walk with Jesus and live by the words from Him and praise him and give thanks to Him

all the time and pray hard to God it to happen.

In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN.



블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.


일본어성경 / 시편 146:1-10






詩篇(しへん) 百四十六篇(ひゃくよんじゅうろっぺん)

[생명의 삶] 영원히 진실을 지키시는 여호와 (시편 146:1-10) :



1. ハレルヤ。私(わたし)のたましいよ。主(しゅ)をほめたたえよ。


1. 할렐루야 내 영혼아 여호와를 찬양하라


2. 私は生(い)きているかぎり、主をほめたたえよう。



2. 나의 생전에 여호와를 찬양하며 나의 평생에 내 하나님을 찬송하리로다


3. 君主(くんしゅ)たちにたよってはならない。



3. 귀인들을 의지하지 말며 도울 힘이 없는 인생도 의지하지 말지니


4. その息(いき)が絶(た)えると、その者(もの)は




4. 그의 호흡이 끊어지면 흙으로 돌아가서 그 날에 그의 생각이 소멸하리로다


5. 幸(さいわ)いなことよ。ヤコブの神(かみ)を助(たす)けとし、



5. 야곱의 하나님을 자기의 도움으로 삼으며 여호와 자기 하나님에게 자기의 소망을 두는 자는 복이 있도다


6. 主(しゅ)は天(てん)と地(ち)と海(うみ)と




6. 여호와는 천지와 바다와 그 중의 만물을 지으시며 영원히 진실함을 지키시며


7. しいたげられる者(もの)のためにさばきを行(おこな)い、




7. 억눌린 사람들을 위해 정의로 심판하시며 주린 자들에게 먹을 것을 주시는 이시로다 여호와께서는 갇힌 자들에게 자유를 주시는도다


8. 主(しゅ)は盲人(もうじん)の目(め)をあけ、



8. 여호와께서 맹인들의 눈을 여시며 여호와께서 비굴한 자들을 일으키시며 여호와께서 의인들을 사랑하시며


9. 主(しゅ)は在留異国人(ざいりゅういこくじん)を守(まも)り、




9. 여호와께서 나그네들을 보호하시며 고아와 과부를 붙드시고 악인들의 길은 굽게 하시는도다


10. 主(しゅ)は、とこしえまでも統(す)べ治(おさ)められる。



10. 시온아 여호와는 영원히 다스리시고 네 하나님은 대대로 통치하시리로다 할렐루야


블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.


English preaching / A New Creation




There was a funeral at a church in Chicago for a three year old girl who starved to death. An alcoholic dressed in dirty clothes came to the little girl's funeral. He took the little girl's shoes off her feet while everyone was praying and sold them to get drunk. The man who stole the shoes was the girl's father.

20 years later, a man stood and spoke in front of thousands of people at Chicago First Presbyterian Church.

"The father who stole his little girl's shoes at her funeral was me! It was God who saved this worthless, filthy man and gave a new life to become his disciple."

It was Mel Trotter, an evangelist of Chicago.


God restores those that seem worthless and useless to men and leads them to live a new life. God leads them to a new path where a dead soul comes to life again and lives a life for God's glory. 

2 (Second) Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

"A new creation" has come!

What does it mean to be "in Christ"?

It means to be in God's Kingdom. Since Adam disobeyed God and let sin into our lives, we have fallen from God and have been wandering in a world ruled by Satan.

But by the love of God, when a person believes that Jesus Christ has died on the cross and resurrected, he or she begins to live in God's Kingdom where God is in control.

Colossians 1: 13-14

"For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

 Now, let's take a closer look at the differences between the old creation and new creation.

Who is an old creation?

1) An old creation is a man who is spiritually dead.

If you are spiritually dead, you cannot know God's existence. Your heart is filled with worldly things.

2) An old creation is a man who follows the world of Satan.

He or she seeks Satan's temptations that provide instant pleasures.

3) An old creation is a man who follows the desires of flesh.

He or she hates God and engages in injustice, abomination, greed, arrogance, boast, envy, murder, argument, drunkenness, debauchery, and lust.

Ephesians Chapter 2 Verse 1

"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins"

First Peter Chapter 1, Verse 24:

"...All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall,"

Who is a new creation?

1) A new creation is who is born again through faith in Jesus Christ.

It is he who believes that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior and therefore belongs to Jesus Christ.

It's a life that is no longer ruled by Satan, but a life that follows God's Word and walks with Christ.

2) A new creation is who lives in Christ.

Before, he was a slave of the world ruled by Satan, but now lives in God's Kingdom under God's rules.

3) A new creation lives life that is led by the Holy Spirit.

It is he who bears fruit of the Holy Spirit in his life. He lives in the light of Jesus and lives in gentleness and humility.

 First John Chapter 2, Verses Fifteen through seventeen.

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever."

Galatians Chapter Five, Verse Sixteen.

"So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."

Now, how can we become new creation in Jesus Christ?

Ephesians Chapter Four, Verses 22 through 24:

"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

 God tells us "to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires".

People who live in their weak flesh are easy to fall into Satan's temptations and chase after instant pleasures of this world. It's a life that is ruled by the desires of flesh.

The desires of flesh go against the Holy Spirit, and the desires of the Holy Spirit go against the flesh.

When we are tempted by the worldy things and in the midst of sins from earthly desires, our spirit is dead and therefore we cannot know God or see God. But, when we live in Jesus Christ who saved us and follow the Holy Spirit, we are freed from Satan and this world.

We no longer live as slaves of our flesh.

We no longer live as slaves of Satan.

We no longer are consumed by worldly pleasures.

We no longer live as slaves of fear, worries, darkness, sadness, and sins.

We put on the new self, in God's likeness, and live a life of peace given by God.

We live an eternal life of Heaven where we live and praise God forever.

All of this is the work of the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


The Father blots out our transgressions.

Isaiah Chapter 43, verse 25:

"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."

The Son, Jesus Christ, cleanses us with his blood.


Hebrews Chapter 9, verse 14:

"How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!"

The Holy Spirit makes us holy.

 Second Thessalonians Chapter 2, verse 13:

"But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as first fruits to be saved thorugh the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth."

We, who are gathered here to worship and praise God, are those who are in God's grace.

God will give us bigger faith, to those that come out to worship God by God's grace. God will give us the strength to fight off Satan's temptations.

God will take away all of our darkness and sadness.

God will give us victory in our daily lives as we live as His children.

Let us pray.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for giving us Your Living Word today.

Touch each and every one of us with your Holy Spirit and open our hearts.

We no longer want to live as slaves of this world, as slaves of Satan.

Holy Spirit,

Fill our hearts.

Help us to live in your guidance.

We prayed all this in Jesus's name, Amen.



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The power of God's Word


Dear Father,

Please cover me with your Holy Spirit so that only your word may be proclaimed. Open our hearts so that we may hear your living word and receive your grace.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen

There was an alcoholic who was living a miserable life. One day somebody gave a Bible to his wife who converted to a Christian while reading the Bible where she found the comforts and treated the Bible as her jewel. However, her husband was laughing at his wife's newly found faith in God.

One day, this drunken husband came home and got hold of his wife's Bible and threw in the fire place and said 'Lets see what happen to the Bible.'

Following day, while he was cleaning out the fire place he noticed the some piece of Bible which has escaped the fire. That happens to be the part of Matthew chapter

24, verse 35 which said "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." He was so surprised to find himself  how this verse stuck in his mind.

This is how the will of God works. This husband felt the deep guilt on his behavior and started to walk toward the path to the spiritual salvation.

Like this story, God's Words have been  living and active in the past, present and future. The Words of God forced a person who threw Bible to the fire and laugh at

his wife's faith in God to put his knees to the ground and lead him to the repentance and salvation.

Hebrews 4:12

 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts

and attitudes of the heart.

I pray and hope that the Word of God we receive today inspire your spirit, soul and body to lead you towards the road to eternal life.

John 1:1

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.

What is the meaning of Word?.

Who's Word is it?.

The Word is from Jesus Christ who was there at the beginning of the universe and He was there with God and Jesus is God.

And Jesus who is God himself descended to this world with the image of a human being. The Word transformed to the physical being and showed us the glory of God who is the truth and full of grace.

Nobody saw God, however He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to show us the spirit of  God and gave us the privilege to become God's children whoever believes in His name and honor Him. Hallelujah!.

John 1:12,14,18

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

No one ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

I believe everybody gathered here to worship God deserves to be the image of God as He intended in the beginning of His creation by believing in Jesus and follow His way and His spirit.

Then, let us share our thoughts about the relationship between Christian and God's Words.

First, Christians want to be able to bear the beautiful fruits.

Matthew 7:19

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
By the grace of Christ our sins are forgiven and our lives are saved. However, we are living in weak and sinful flesh. We can not overcome our physical weakness by ourselves. Satan is a fallen angel who puts himself against everything that God stands for.

Satan also has his own spiritual power.

Only way to escape from the spiritual temptation of Satan is to have the full faith in Jesus who was victorious over the power of Satan, resurrected and ascended to the heaven and sit on the heavenly throne.

Although our weak flesh is the easy target for Satan, all Christians who believe in Jesus Christ will have the protection of Holy spirit which will push out Satan's evil

power and temptation and lead us to the eternal life. This is how we be able to bear the beautiful fruits with the help from the Holy God. The ability to bear beautiful fruits come from ' God's Words'.

In the name of God I pray and hope that everybody here , through the Words of God and by Holy spirit, will live the life of bearing beautiful fruits.

Luke 8:11

This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the Word of God.

1 Peter 1:23

For you have been born gain, not of perishable seed but of imperishable seed, through the living and enduring Word of God.

My dear brethren and sisters!.

We are here by the grace of God. By God's grace we believe Jesus is our Savior and we treasure His Words and desire to live by His Words.

We thank and praise God whose astounding love towards us for Him to sent His only Son to death to save us. God's overwhelming love and grace lead us to gather here to praise and worship Him.

Second, we Christians want to overcome all those filthy thoughts and selfish and conceited behavior.

How can we eliminate those intermittent filthy thoughts from our mind?.

How can we free from the debilitating anger, accusation, lust and all kinds of addictions?.

How can we clear out those undesirable thoughts from our mind?.

How can we free from all those anxiety, fear, all sorts of sadness and other innumerable unclean thoughts which depress us and walking all over us?.

Jeremiah 23:29

 "Is not my word like fire," declares the Lord, "and like hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?.

As the Scripture said the God's Words will remain deeply in our minds and help us to overcome all those filthy thoughts in our minds which are keeping us suffer.

And God's Words will bring us the freedom, peace and happiness by help us to defeat and overcome the endless suffering from the deep sorrows, sinful thoughts, anger, all kinds of addictions due to the weak mind and the life of slave to sins.

God is omnipotent and almighty. His living Words with Holy spirit will free us from the control of Satan and evil spirit.

Let us ask for the God's grace and His Holy Spirit.

Only God can give us the true freedom.

Only our strong faith to Jesus Christ will lead us to the path to the eternal life.

Hebrews 4:12

For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Psalm 19:7

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

God's word is alive and well and active. He will restore our weak and empty spirit. He will save us from the oppression and control. He will heal us from the pain and sufferings. He will help us to escape from the sorrows and dark world. Hallelujah!!.

Let us praise our living God.

Let us praise our Lord who protects and helps us from all those adversities. Let us praise our Lord who allows us to have the eternal life of living.

Let us praise Him altogether now. We praise God who saves us and allows us to have the new life.

Dear Lord!!. Please uphold us with your strong arms. Please helps us to free from the dark and grieving soul which makes us to suffer. Help us to soar over the storm with You and enjoy the peace You allowed us to have.

Lead us to love You no matter what pain and suffering we are under.  Please have Your love cover us from all those adversities.


hide me now

under Your wings.

Cover me

Within Your mighty hand.

When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with You above the storm.

Father You are king over the flood

I will be still, know You are God.

Find rest my soul

In Christ alone

know His power

in quietness and trust

When the ocean rise and thunder roar

I will soar with You above the storm

Father You are king over the flood

I will be still, know You are God (x2)

Find rest my soul

In Christ alone

know His power

in quietness and trust

When the ocean rise and thunder roar

I will soar with You above the storm

Father You are king over the flood

I will be still, know You are God (2x)

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father,

We praise God who saved us and allowed us to have an new life. Please hold us with Your strong arms. Please protect us from the oppressive sorrows and darkness. Please allow us to enjoy the God given peace while soaring above the storm with You.

Please lead us to love You under however the painful adversity we are in, and have Your love cover all those things.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



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블로그 이미지

Mission School

은혜로운 설교,기도,찬양이 있는 곳 (선교사를 교육하고 후원하는 선교사 언어 교육원입니다.
