[영어설교 / english preacher ] God loves you



God loves you.
I praise and thank God who led us together here for this service. I believe through this holy service God will bless us with comfort, hope, deeper faith and most of all, His love upon us.


 John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


God's love toward us is boundless and there is no regard whether you are sinner or righteous. His love covers everybody whether one is rich or poor, hopeless, full of both physical and spiritual pain, in short, whatever the living situation you are in.


To save these people, God sent his Son to this wicked world. God is merciful toward these people who are spiritually dead and under the influence of worldly temptation. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God said anybody who believes in Jesus will get eternal life.  What God mean by "you believe in Jesus?"

God created Adam in His image in every sense of the goodness, and Adam committed the crime which is punishable by death by betrayed God's wishes.

All human beings following Adam, whether likes or not, born with this guilt and corrupted with jealousy with envy, hatefulness and selfishness, which eventually bear the fruit of guilt and led us to mutual destruction and hopelessness. In the beginning, however, God had no intention of creating the guilty human.


Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them: male and female He created them.


God created human in His image and His image is love. Jesus came to this world to redeem our sin by His blood on the Cross and death. This shows how great the God's love is.

Is Jesus's death on the cross just for those people who lives by the righteous rules like hard work, helpfulness and selfless people?. Are those people really pure and guiltless?.

We are all born with the sin committed by Adam and we could not be like God even though we are born with God's image.


Jesus came to this world to save us from the world without spiritual being and full of sins. Jesus took over all our sins and died on the cross to give us the eternal life and defeated the death by resurrected after third day and ascended to the heaven to sit right side of His Father. Hallelujah!!!

This is what we are believe in that Jesus died for our sins and resurrected from the death, and by the merciful grace of God we are all cleared of the sins.


Philippians 2:5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.


God loves you just the way everyone is. However, God wants whoever believes Him to come out of the world of sin and come to Him. Jesus came to this world clearly to show how the people who has God's image should behave.

The people who save through the faith should neither follow the way of this world nor follow the physical desire. God wants you to be like Jesus and make God happy and glorify His original intention of making us in His images in the first place.

But then, what we should do to be like Jesus?.


Matthew 11:28  

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.


It happened at some lording dock in U.S.. One day a passenger ship arrived and while the passengers were leaving the ship one woman tripped her feet and fell out of the ship. At that instance people started shouting and asked ship crew to do save her. All the ship crews were doing was just stand there watching a drowning woman while she was surfaced twice above water. When this woman was completely exhausted then one crew dived into the water to bring out limp woman. Then some people started to question why the crew waited so long to save her. A crew replied with the sigh of relief.  "Don't be ignorant. When a person who is drowning will tried save himself with all the power person has and no stronger person would overcome that and drown together at the end."


When you rid of everything you possess and take everything to God, who becomes the Lord of yourself and led you into the life of light.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come The old has gone, the new is here!


When you died with Jesus on the Cross and resurrect with Him you will gain the new life, that is, you became new creature.


Colossians 2:12

Having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through your faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.


Faith in God is ultimate gift to you from Him. By the grace of God you have been gained the faith and allowed to walk the God's way with Him and becomes like Him and lead your life as a man who has been blessed to have the image of God.

It is a very big burden for us to live as a worldly being. Some of us are born into this world under very unfortunate circumstances. Some came from the country with very unfavorable conditions, or from a broken family with unbearable burden and hard life. The burden which we have no control over.

Some of those burdens are from uncontrollable physical desire, alcohol, drugs, gamble, pornography, something that is easily addictive, or unwanted physical ailment or mental decease, bad family and or friendly relationship. Nobody can free from all those worldly sins.

Jesus said anyone who is carrying all those burdens and struggling with them to come to Him and unload to Him. Bring every burdens, in other words, everything that you have to deal with your own mind and will power to Jesus.

When you do that Jesus will becomes our Lord and He will lead us to the realm of the life of light, love, peace and will blessed with the eternal life. Hallelujah!!!!.

It is such an overwhelming and enormous blessing when we embrace Jesus Christ as our savior and fallow His step and walk along with Him.

Whatever the situation we are in, Jesus is fair to everybody whether he is rich, poor, healthy or not, incarcerated in prison, addicted with drugs, leading a privileged life, etc.....

Jesus forgive all sins when you confess your sins and ask for the forgiveness and believe in the Cross and accept Him as your savior.

God has forgiven all our sins. We are blessed with the grace and peace from Him and leading a heavenly living regardless of what sorts of situations we in right now and  after the death we are promised with heaven where there are no pain from the mental problem and praise our Lord, who is with us there, forever and ever. Hallelujah!!!!!!.


Dear beloved brethren,

Everybody in here is specially loved by God who would like to bless all of you with eternal love. However, if you fail to respond to His special blessing God is unable to work with you. Please don't reject God's love. Believe in the fact that Jesus died on the Cross to take out our sins and resurrected after three days from the death.

Please accept Jesus as our savior and ask for the holy sprit within us. Take everything to God and follow His way, then God will comfort and sooth all our pains from the affliction.

No matter how long you have been suffered, God will root out all those sufferings from you and give you comfort and peace within you and rejuvenate you to the new creature.

And God would like to work with new creatures to save and raise the dead souls who are unaware of God's love.


Anybody who has not yet accepted Jesus as his savior or who is not sure of himself but would like to find out more, please remain here after service or come to Thursday service and have a prayer session together.

we should firmly believe that we will be in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ even if today is the last day of the earth.


Let us pray,

Heavenly Father we thank you for us to hear about heavenly life. Please protect us from the influence from Satan who is trying to stop us from learning about the way to the God. Please sooth our pain from the affliction and heal our wounds. Please let us walk with Jesus and live by the words from Him and praise him and give thanks to Him

all the time and pray hard to God it to happen.

In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN.



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Mission School

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